Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How To Give To Yourself – (3) Simple Tips To Help You Manage Stress

By Jennifer Jianjun Wang (PhD)

Are you a person who gives to others? Are you a parent? Are you a leader? Are you in a relationship? Do you have siblings, parents, or friends? Do you have a job? Is there stress in your life? If you answer ‘yes’ to 2 or more of the questions, the chances are you are a giver. As a coach, I recognise the many demands that are placed on you. I imagine you do your best to be good at your job, at home with your family and friends.

Equally I recognise it is essential for you to give to yourself in order for you to sustain your support for others. Does this make sense?

As the timeless wisdom points out, it is a first principle to nurture yourself if you are to give to others fully and successfully. When you give to yourself, you can give to others from a place of fullness. It is of importance that you replenish yourself regularly to ‘keep your barrel full’. Below are three tips on effective self care.

Tip 1 Recognise the importance of giving to self before you give to others. Make this a priority. When something becomes a priority for you, you have a good chance of acting on it.

Tip 2 Set easy daily routines of self care. It doesn’t need to take 20 minutes of your time. The stress level can be kept lower if regular and frequent self-nurture is done. This only needs to take a couple of minutes each time. The most efficient way to set aside such routines is to schedule them before a routine that is already in place. For example, before you turn on your computer, before you have a cup of tea, before you have lunch, before you leave work to go home. If you haven’t learned any quick calm techniques, you can simply close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and visualise a calming sea.

Tip 3 Find a way to anchor your inner calm. Utilise your five senses. They help you tap into the power of the subconscious mind. When it’s anchored, it makes the self-giving time effective and nurturing. This is especially good for people who don’t have a block of time each day to de-stress. If it helps, you could consider working with a professional to learn calm techniques and anchoring. It’ll be worth the investment.

Take charge of your life now. Give everyday to the most important person you have -- YOU.

To your happy and steady increase of fulfilment.
Jennifer Jianjun Wang (PhD)
p.s. Contact Jennifer to find out how she can assist you to live a more healthful and successful life. Email her: jjw38coaching@live.com.au

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