Monday, March 23, 2009

Worrying, how to stop its negative effects in 60 seconds

Do you ever worry? Sometimes people just can’t help worrying. Have you noticed that the more you care about someone, some situation or project, the more you tend to worry about them if or in case things go wrong?

I remember my mother said to me a few times, ‘No-one can know the heart of a mother who worries about her children.’ I think she summarised it well. I wish I had the strategies when she was alive.

A client of mine recently came across a situation that she just couldn’t help worrying about. She is usually cheerful and positive. This time she did get herself all worked up and stressed out. If you knew her, you wouldn’t blame her. She is just a normal loving and caring parent like most of us.

Worrying can cause a lot of unnecessary stress. It can be counterproductive. It can do harm to your health. It can cause you to loose focus and concentration at work.

Worrying is a characteristic of the reasoning mind. ‘The mind that creates the problem cannot solve the problem.’ If you want to stop worrying fast, then reasoning with it is not the thing to do.

The worrying mind can however, within seconds, surrender to the power of the subconscious mind if you know how to work it.

So we bring you good news: you can do all the worrying you want without causing negative effects.

Here we introduce to you our ‘4-step Worriless Worrying’. It’s one of our specially formulated Ease Strategies that works powerfully with the subconscious mind.

Step 1 Picture a monkey scratching himself in a funny way; or picture two monkeys scratching each other. Try copying them. How do you feel?
Step 2 Think of some food that you once tried. Initially you didn’t think it was going to taste alright, but when you tried it and it turned out to be alright. What is that food? Was it quite alright?
Step 3 Self talk: ‘Where was I before? I was worrying. But I was also doing a monkey. And _____ (the food item) did turn out to be alright.’
Step 4 Repeat Step 1.

Possible questions and answers:
When do you need to do this?
Do this when you notice yourself worrying.

How often do you need to do this?
Every time you notice yourself worrying. After you are familiar with the whole process, Steps 1 and 2 will be sufficient.

Does this work?
It worked for the client I mentioned before. She laughed a fair bit and said she couldn’t wait for the next time she would get worried.

Can you explain in more detail why this works?
I can, and I do this in my upcoming book.

Does this solve the actual issue that causes worrying?
If worrying is chronic (habitual) for the person, the answer is yes. Otherwise, while this can lead the mind out of worrying and onto a different neurological pathway, the resolution of an issue is a different strategy and requires different steps.

Do you have an issue to resolve or a goal to achieve? Then contact us. Let us design an Ease Strategy specifically for you. We have a team of outstanding coaches. We are here to help you. You don’t have to delay your wellness and success. We would be delighted to help you make a difference in your lives now.

To your happy, steady increase of wellness and success,

Jennifer Jianjun Wang

P.s If you’d like to find out more about our Ease Strategies, please read the article on ‘Achieving With Ease’ (see link), or contact us to find out how we can assist you 0439 981 288. We provide three formats of coaching to serve you: email coaching, phone coaching and face to face coaching.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Achieving With Ease

Achieving with ease

Copyright 2009, Jennifer Jianjun Wang

Achieving with ease is at the heart of the art of wellness and success. It’s the concept of achieving maximum results with least effort while being mindful of sustaining good health. This concept honours wellness as much as it does success. Furthermore, it promotes a higher order of intelligence in the application of accomplishing your goals.

Below are a few tips to get you started.

Tip #1 Begin to learn more about this philosophy of wellness and success by reading articles or tips, like what you’re doing now.

Awareness is the first step towards change.

Achieving with ease is about the art of sustainable success and health, and the efficiency with which you achieve that. Here success can be work or career related, for example, a 5-week goal, a sales target, a 3-year long term project, a 3-year career plan, etc. It can also be success in the domestic scene, for example a renovation project, tax returns, a wedding, a grand holiday trip, buying a home, to name a few. When applied correctly, you could be saved lots of time, lots of money, and lots of trouble. You would attain your goal and retain your health and energy.

You’ll continue to learn more about the philosophy of achieving with ease as you follow our posts at this site.

Tip #2 Cultivate the belief that success and wellness can be mutually inclusive.

Cultivating beliefs that enhance your life will lead you to a better life. If you believe that success and wellness can be mutually inclusive, your decisions, actions and results will begin to reflect this belief. And this can be best attained through the art of achieving with ease.

Tip #3 Be clear about what is ease and what is not ease

Ease promotes wellbeing, harmony and smooth actions.

The opposite of ease is dis-ease. It can cause unnecessary troubles, waste time and energy, and produces minimum results after much effort.

Ease and dis-ease can accumulate in the body. Ease promotes good health. Absence of ease can produce dis-ease.

Tip #4 Allow yourself to be open to learn ease strategies and achieve more by doing less

Read the story below about what happened when this person opened up to the possibility that there was such a thing as ‘achieving with ease’.

I recall a client who came to see me specifically about the concept of ‘achieving with ease’. She had been working with me for several weeks on wellness. On this particular day she came to my office and looked distressed.

As it turned out, she had been stuck on a project for a few months. Her work to date didn’t seem to take any shape. With only a week or so left, she couldn’t imagine how she could possibly meet the deadline. She felt overwhelmed.

‘Jennifer, what is this ‘achieving with ease’ that I see on your web site? Can it help me with my project?’

‘Would it be a good thing if it could help you?’ I asked her, in a tone that spoke to her subconscious mind.

‘Yes, of course. It would be a very good thing.’

‘Would you be open to explore it then?’ Once again I wanted to make sure her subconscious mind was in agreement with her conscious mind.

‘Yes, I’ll try anything. I’m desperate.’

So for the rest of that coaching session we worked on ‘completing her project with ease’ and she walked away with her own ‘Ease Strategy’, and feeling happy and excited.

That day she wrote me an email, ‘I feel so good! I feel like I can take on the world. I feel like I can do anything! I’m so overjoyed.’

Within two days, she completed her project. What she thought would take her weeks took less than 12 hours.

In my client’s case, the Ease Strategy helped her minimise stress, dissolve overwhelm, eliminate wasted energy. It helped her tap into the power of her subconscious mind to achieve with efficiency. In this case she achieved success as well as reducing harmful stress. She experienced the joy of achieving with ease.

To your happy, steady increase of wellness and success,
Jennifer Jianjun Wang
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p.p.s. Can you contact me? Yes, you can. I am human (to the best of my knowledge), and am capable of communication. I would be delighted if I could be here for you. Please email:; or